Management Consulting
In a world of disruptive change the instruments to manage the increasing complexity are no longer effective. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking that created them. Fundamental change primarily requires an evolved thinking, new mental models, social techniques and behaviors.
Success depends on developing strong human relationships and getting in resonance with the rapidly changing world. We make use of the power of hybrid thinking, collective intelligence and a true we-culture. We help to shape the world of tomorrow by thinking the unimaginable, exploring the unknown and doing what seems impossible.
We support our clients from world leading companies, governmental organizations and NGOs to explore a new quality of collaboration, a new style of leadership and agile organizational structures. We are specialized in executive coaching, building high performing teams and organizations.
Global Leaders work with us: Bayer, Bosch, Bosch Rexroth, Continental, EON, Germanischer Lloyd (DNV-GL), Heidelberg, Mercedes Benz, SAP and UBS.
Ein Plädoyer für etwas, das ganz aus der Mode gekommen ist: die schiere Langeweile.
We are in a constant rush. Countless meetings and deadlines hold us back from getting things done. How can we deal with stress and time pressure. Here are five suggestions ...